Run and exec
- docker run --ipc=host --gpus all --entrypoint=/bin/bash -it -d -v /home/name:/home/name -e TZ=Asia/Beijing --name ouyang tensorflow/tensorflow:2.4.1-gpu
- run flags:
- --pid=host: Use it if you want your container to share the host’s process namespace, basically allowing processes within the container to see all of the processes on the system.
- --ipc=private|shareable|host|container:name-or-id: IPC namespace provides separation of named shared memory segments, semaphores and message queues. Shared memory segments is commenly used by databases and C/OpenMPI, C++/using boost libraries and etc.
- docker exec -it ${container_name} /bin/bash
- docker exec -it -w /home/name ouyang sh -c “tmux a” /bin/bash
- docker system df
- docker system df -v
- sudo service docker start/stop